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History of NYCSD Elementary Musicals

1. 1994-95: Ghost Towns Never Die
2. 1995-96: Pirates of the Chesapeake Bay
3. 1996-97: Mother Goose, Inc.
4. 1997-98: Don't Rock the Boat
5. 1998-99: Annie, Jr.
6. 1999-00: Lagooned
7. 2000-01: Kamp Kaos
8. 2001-02: Nifty Fifties
9. 2002-03: Rocky of the Rain Forest
10. 2003-04: Bugsy Malone, Jr.
11. 2004-05: Katastrophe Kate
12. 2005-06: Little Luncheonette of Terror
13. 2006-07: Music Man Jr.
14. 2007-08: Guys and Dolls, Jr.
15. 2000-09: Aladdin Jr.
16. 2009-10: Annie, Jr.
17. 2010-11: Alice in Wonderland, Jr.
18. 2011-12: Beauty and the Beast, Jr. 
19. 2012-13: School House Rock Live! Jr.
20. 2013-14: Law and Order: C-rhyme and Pun-ishment

21. 2014-15: Aesop's Musical Foibles
22. 2016-2017: The Ever After - A Musical
23. 2017-2018: The Emperor's New Clothes-A Musical
24. 2018-2019: The Little Mermaid
25. 2019-2020: The Jungle Book